Progressive Child Education


Learning to Learn

There are many times in the early years when students need to be engaged and directed by educators to learn, but older students are often taught how to learn on their own. The assignments they are given are often ones that will lead them to learn more than what was taught in the classroom, so they will eventually be able to learn without a teacher’s direction. This is an important part of their educational progression, and it is a major goal of most educational programs.

Reading is often one of the first steps used by educators to help children learn how to learn on their own, so that is one reason why reading is an important subject. Students who have advanced to higher grades are generally given book reports or reading assignments to help them learn. The reports they write are expected to have the conclusions on the student on the material they have read, and this is another step in their progression.

Independent school work is another form of progression for students, and the use of modern electronic devices is now employed. Doing research on the internet is a way to help students ferret out the information they need on a subject, and they are expected to be able to draw their own conclusions from what they find. Reporting on their study is part of their duty, and it is used as a tool to see if the student is progressing in the area of self-education.

The role of educators in the modern world is to assist students to be able to learn for the rest of their lives without formal classes, and it is a huge task. Teachers have come up with many ways to accomplish their final goal, and students have learned how to use the tools they were given in school to navigate the world around them.